7 JULY 2023

NITIU explores the possibility to establish a strategic research center with focus on hydrogen storage

The development of lighter components is absolutely crucial for the automotive and aviation industries, in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, material use and energy consumption.

NITIU is now exploring the possibility of establishing a research center to develop load-bearing structures for hydrogen storage in the automotive and aerospace industries, supported by research projects with Alleima, Volvo Group and Saab.

We are convinced that we need to gather all available forces to succeed in developing a sustainable future. Hence, we have connected a strong team from industry and academia to bring in all the necessary perspectives,” says Patrik Eriksson, CEO of NITIU.

Volvo Group and Saabs’ Business Area Aeronautics enter the collaboration with a clear requirement, as well as with competences in design and manufacturing, while NITIU brings its ILS® structure, which is based on metallurgy and materials from Alleima. The center will be focused on innovative joining methods, which is a key in the development of the ILS® structure. RISE will also be part of the research collaboration, where they will assist with resources for testing and analyses.

A strong research collaboration with the ambition to develop tomorrow's hydrogen tanks is essential in the transition to a climate-smart, responsible automotive and aviation industry. It is about securing competitiveness, position and products for Swedish industry in an emerging hydrogen society,” says Göran Bengtsson, Director Research and Technology at Saabs’ Business Area Aeronautics.

Time plan

A feasibility study will be carried out during the third quarter 2023, to define objectives, tasks, and location of the center. Discussions with Region Gävleborg have begun, with positive results.

For any questions, please contact:

Patrik Eriksson, CEO NITIU,, +46 70-662 32 15